Friday, September 28, 2012

To God be the Glory

In reference to our last post, we went back to the hospital on Thursday. The first thing I did was go to the OB ward to see if the little girl and her mother were still there. I could not find them so I looked in the report book from earlier that week to figure out what happened. I discovered that the baby passed away only a short while after we left the hospital. I grieved the loss of the little girl but remembered the life that we were able to give even if just for a short time. I prayed for a miracle for the little girl but God had other plans. Maybe he did perform a miracle but just not in the way I was thinking. I live to bring glory to God in all situations, including this one. So today I remember that even though the situation didn't end up like we would have hoped, somehow God has been glorified and that will be enough. We gave that little girl and her family everything we had and gave her life for just a few short hours. I don't see the full picture of God's plan but I know that He is still in control. To God be the glory forever and ever Amen!!!

On a side note we have safely arrived in Zimba!!! Thank you for your prayers!!

Love Margaux!!!

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